Coding – Watch this clip
Waiata 2014
Ko Mamaru [youtube] E I A I E [youtube] Tutira Mai [youtube] Taku Rakau e [youtube] Mangonui E [youtube] Junior Songs [youtube] [youtube] [...]
Caitlin’s story
Bubbles poem
Bubbles Unbelievable bubbles blowing in the breeze Like little people flying Light, silent, oval, running in the air, colorful, unending fun! Leaving home for a short trip Ohoh Pop! .BY PAIGE .J
Taipa Bridge by Demitrious
Taipa Bridge I am the man bombing off the bridge. As the water swallowed me, pulls me down to crunch me up. I try again. The bridge, holding me, rail did not let me go [...]
Chocolate cake by Shaia
The Chocolate Cake I placed all the ingredients onto the tray. Once I put the tray into the monster mouth it grabs the cake and closes his red mouth and smiles at me well [...]
Awatea speech on mining
MINING SHOULD BE BANNED Hi my name is Awatea and I think mining should be banned Here are my reasons why? My first point is the government lets mining company's mine other peoples land to [...]
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