Using Puppet Pals on our iPads
Aimee, Alexia, Melody and Reagan did an amazing job working as a team to retell 'The Three Little Pigs' using the iPad app. Puppet Pals. Enjoy watching their story, I know I did. Such an [...]
Penguin Box Project Part 2
Penguins living in Doubtless Bay have new houses to sleep in tonight. 2 Teams from the school - one land based the other water based planted the Penguin boxes around the Mangonui Harbour. Our group [...]
Retelling of Maori Legends on Book Creator
Click on the book covers to read the Maori legends Ella, Lara, Lola and Masy have retold in their own words. Ka pai!
Lola using the Show Me app on the iPad
Show Me recording Lola used the Show Me app on the iPad to record what strategies she is using to solve Maths problems like 2 x 8.
Waiata with Cherie
Zion's Mum taught us the words and actions to "Kei roto i te moana". Kia ora Cherie, we can't stop singing this waiata, it's very catchy!
Grandparents Day
We were very lucky to have Bob, Judah's Grandad read a story to us during Read and Feed time.
Kaitiaki of Kind and Caring Pou
Over this year a group of senior students have been designing pou (posts) to represent one of our three key kaupapa (Kaitiakai of Kind and Caring). These were finished and with a little help from [...]
Legend Movies
The awesome students in Kotuku have been creating movies on the legends of Aotearoa. They re-wrote in their own words their favourite legends and then drew pictures that helped retell the main parts. They then [...]
Pictures of Assembly
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