It’s right on our doorstep !!!!!

And yet very few of us realised what a wonderful facility the Coopers Beach Christian Camp is.Coopers Beach 2014 229 Coopers Beach 2014 239 (Small) Coopers Beach 2014 245 (Small) Coopers Beach 2014 246 (Small) Coopers Beach 2014 263 (Small) Coopers Beach 2014 303 (Small)

Thank you to all the parents for your incredible support.

AND thank you Tuatara for being such a lovely group of students. 

( Check out Brooke and her poem)

Coopers Beach Camp 2014

I was excited and nervous.

 I wondered what fun we would have. 

I felt funny inside.

I wanted to slide down the water slide like a snake.

I knew that I would be good

I worried that I would have a bad dream but I didn’t.

I couldn’t sneak off by myself and I didn’t.

I thought I would try not to get hurt and I didn’t do that either.

I am positive.
