Three wonderful, informative visits this week from
- Andrew, one of our super bus drivers and Constable Joe who talked about bus safety.
- Our dental therapists, who are treating Tuatara from this week onwards. If you have any concerns Kerry and Rachel are very approachable.
After telling us all about dental care Amari dressed up in all the protective gear that our Dental Therapists wear. It was very hot and Amari couldn’t wait to take it all off again.
- Rixt Botello and her daughter Kokopita who taught us how to take cuttings from lavender and rosemary. These cuttings will be ready to plant out in Spring to attract bees to our school ( in an area away from playing children)
We are still rescuing swan plants from drains and places that they are not wanted. If you have any little seedlings they will be gratefully received, and planted out as well around the school.
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